We invite you to participate in the modeling of the future of the future art space “Kurtuve”.

Zaļā Josta - Reklāma

LATVIA – on April 17 at At 5:30 p.m., in the future art space “Kurtuve” (Valmiera, Rīgas Street 25A), interested parties are invited to an exchange of ideas about the future operation of Kurtuve as an open cultural space in accordance with the needs of local residents. Everyone is welcome to apply by April 13 here.

The head of the workshop, Vita Brakovska, is an expert in interdisciplinary thinking with more than ten years of international experience in stimulating creative thinking and developing individual entrepreneurial abilities. Under the leadership of Vita Brakovska, participants will be able to present their ideas and find like-minded people in a positive atmosphere. All ideas will be collected and submitted to the Culture Department of the municipality of Valmiera region, developing further development plans for the Kiln.

The future art space “Kurtuve” is the central place in the implementation of the concept of the Dynamic City of Valmiera, which was the basis of the proposed program, when Valmiera was a candidate for the title of European Capital of Culture. Important accents in the program are the availability of contemporary culture and the involvement of communities in cultural processes. Therefore, it is important to involve the residents in the planning of events in Kurtuve from the very beginning, starting from 2025, when the Valmiera Drama Theater, which currently welcomes the audience in Kurtuve, will have the opportunity to return to its permanent home.

The workshop is organized within the framework of the project “IN SITU: Cultural and Creative Industries Innovations in Non-Urban Territories Based on the Uniqueness of Places” implemented by researchers of the Latvian Academy of Culture with the support of the EU research and innovation support program “Horizon Europe”. Similar workshops are held in parallel in Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Portugal and Croatia, inviting people to think about creative solutions for the development of the local cultural environment.

IN SITU is a four-year project that combines research and experimental activities to promote innovation-related practices, capabilities and potential in cultural and creative industries located in EU country territories outside large urban centres. In cooperation with the municipality of Valmiera region, research is being carried out on the possibilities of introducing cultural and creative sector innovations in the entire Valmiera region, strengthening both the internal and international cooperation of the sector.
Additional information about the project: insituculture.eu and LKA website.

Zaļā Josta - Reklāma