In Latvia, the procedure for the provision and payment of state-paid health care services is clarified

Nacionālajā rehabilitācijas centrā “Vaivari”

Valdība otrdien, 10. janvārī, apstiprināja grozījumus Ministru kabineta noteikumos, kas nosaka veselības aprūpes pakalpojumu organizēšanas un samaksas kārtību*. Tie paredz turpināt šā gada pirmajā ceturksnī Covid – 19 infekcijas izplatības ierobežošanu un seku mazināšanu, kā arī valsts apmaksātu medicīnisko transportēšanu, lai Ukrainas iedzīvotājiem sniegtu nepieciešamos veselības aprūpes pakalpojumus stacionārajās ārstniecības iestādēs Latvijā. 

The amendments to the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers envisage continuing to provide until March 31, 2023 measures related to limiting the spread of the Covid-19 infection and mitigating the consequences, which the government decided on at the end of 2022: laboratory examinations according to the Covid-19 testing algorithm, subacute rehabilitation and long-term rehabilitation of patients after contracting the Covid-19 infection, dynamic monitoring of the health status of patients after contracting the Covid-19 infection, as well as payment of personal protective equipment to medical institutions. The 6.4 million euros needed for the implementation of the mentioned measures in the first quarter of this year will be covered from the funding reserved in the Law “On the State Budget for 2023” in the program “Financing for health measures to limit the spread of the Covid-19 infection” according to the actual need.

The amendments also clarify the procedure, stipulating that the state-paid practice of transferring patients between inpatient treatment facilities is continued, as well as the transportation of Covid-19 patients from hospital to home after the inpatient treatment is completed, without jeopardizing epidemiological safety.

Also, amendments to the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers envisage continuing to provide medical transportation paid for by the state in order to provide the citizens of Ukraine with the necessary health care services in inpatient medical facilities due to the armed conflict caused by Russia. So far, medical transportation to a medical facility in Latvia has been carried out for two groups of patients within the framework of international aid, providing the opportunity for victims of war to receive the necessary treatment and rehabilitation in Latvia. Basically, treatment is provided at the Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital and the National Rehabilitation Center “Vaivari”.

Zaļā Josta - Reklāma