‘People say we’re going to hell:’ Throuple who met on Tinder go viral after sharing controversial romance

‘People say we’re going to hell:’ Throuple who met on Tinder go viral after sharing controversial romance
Zaļā Josta - Reklāma

A throuple have opened up about the hate they’ve received online and in person, claiming they’ve had to “cut out” family members.

Angel Bailey, Tyler Hays, and Sam Vick previously hit the headlines after revealing their controversial relationship which started in April 2021.

While polyamory wasn’t initially on the cards for Angel, 27, and Tyler, 30, from Tennessee, US, upon meeting on Tinder in June 2018, the pair quickly changed their minds after having a threesome with Sam, 24, one night in May 2019.

Now, they’re totally loved up, but their romance hasn’t always been smooth sailing, with both family members and people online hoping for their breakup.

“I did have to completely remove a family member from my life, as she was texting my mum saying I was in a porn-type relationship,” Sam, a banker, told NeedToKnow.online.

“She also said my mum was a terrible mother for letting me live my life this way.

“It was an easy choice to cut her off, as we weren’t really that close, but it was just upsetting that she would talk about her own family in that way.

“Now, I don’t care about anything that she has said, but once she started talking to my mum in that way, I completely cut her off from my life.

“I want absolutely nothing to do with her.”

Angel, a client services representative, said: “When it comes to friends or family saying or doing things to us, we stick up for each other.

“We know that what we have is real and even our family don’t have the right to judge us.

“I find it peculiar that a so-called ‘religious’ woman was telling us how we were sinning, yet she judged so harshly and had the audacity to tell others how to live their life.

“All of us are quick to cut off ties when we feel it’s necessary because we want to keep those who actually support us in our lives, not those who are out to hurt us.”

At the beginning of their love story, the throuple recall struggling to find a balance and eventually, split up twice as a result.

But, as their feelings for one another were too strong to ignore, they worked hard to make the relationship work, and despite the negative comments received, they’re now happier than ever.

Angel said: “We got comments such as: ‘You’re going to hell’ or ‘This is wrong’ and called ‘Disgusting sinners.’

“We don’t understand how people can be so cruel without even knowing it, or without giving us a chance.

“We just laugh it off now, as these people don’t know us or our lives, so who are they to comment on something they have no knowledge on?

“Our love is strong enough to withhold anything they throw at us.”

Now, the three are approaching their two-year anniversary as a throuple and according to Angel, they have some plans up their sleeve, including a ring.

Speaking about the upcoming celebration, she said: “For our anniversary, we plan on getting matching tattoos, but there have been talks about our future together.

“In a bid to show our commitment, we would like to have a small ceremony together and it would be just like a wedding, but without all the legality that goes on within this.

“All of this depends on when we plan on proposing to Sam and what she wants for her ceremony.

“It will be a fun event for all, and hopefully less stressful to plan than a ‘real’ wedding.”

“For the tattoos, we’ll be getting a coloured heart on each of us – I’ll be getting purple, Sam will be pink and Tyler’s will be blue.

“These are our favourite colours and also happen to be the bisexual flag colours.”

In a bid to “normalise” their relationship, they share their journey on TikTok, (@dailythrouple), with their 44,000 followers. Tyler, a ramp agent, added: “When we became polyamorous, we had no idea what this was.

“We had to Google and figure out what kind of relationship we would have.

“Growing up, we didn’t see these kinds of relationships, we only saw stereotypical male and female couples, that was it.

“So, we started our TikTok page to help normalise polyamory and to also find more knowledge about it ourselves.

“I took the insults and hate from family to a personal level, as they’re supposed to be there for you no matter the circumstances.

“No matter what people do or say, they can’t tear our love apart.

“In all honesty, their words only make us stronger and provide a constant reassurance that we each have two people who love us unconditionally.”

Zaļā Josta - Reklāma