Yes, you can respec your character in Baldur’s Gate 3

Yes, you can respec your character in Baldur’s Gate 3
Zaļā Josta - Reklāma

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“We want the players to really experiment with what is possible.”

Baldur’s Gate 3 will allow players to re-spec their characters and create “multiclasses” in order to “avoid having to restart the whole game”.

That’s according to Larian’s Nick Pechenin, who confirmed in a recent livestream that as well as bumping into a character who “will allow you to reset your class, and reinvest all of your levels”, players can also explore some “really cool” multiclass combinations.

Panel From Hell: Release Showcase.

“We wanted to avoid players having to restart the whole game, because it’s a very heavy narrative experience,” Pechenin said (thanks, PC Gamer). “There’s a character you might meet – you will most likely meet – that will allow you reset your class, and reinvest all of the levels.”

As for those “multiclasses”?

“In multiclassing, there are a lot of really cool combinations, there are some combinations that don’t quite work, and we want the players to really experiment with what is possible,” Pechenin added. “And respec really helps with that.”

Baldur’s Gate 3 comes out for PC on 3rd August and PlayStation 5 on 6th September, whilst the Xbox version will take a little bit longer following issues getting split-screen co-op working well on Xbox Series S.

Did you know that Maggie Robertson, the actor who played the iconic Lady Dimitrescu in Resident Evil Village, is set to play another memorable villain, this time in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Bertie will be bringing you deeper impressions of what he played at the BG3 event (including the PS5 version) next week, along with an interview with Larian boss Swen Vincke. For now, though, be sure to catch the full Larian Panel from Hell for the latest public look at the game.

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Zaļā Josta - Reklāma