While showing off the latest nuclear missiles at a military parade, the North Korean leader arrives with his daughter

Militārā parādē demonstrējot jaunākās kodolraķetes, Ziemeļkorejas līderis ierodas kopā ar meitu
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un hosted a military parade in Pyongyang on Wednesday night that showcased the latest, largest nuclear missiles with his daughter Kim Jue, sparking speculation that she is being groomed for the role of future leader.
Wednesday night’s parade showcased the latest weaponry in Kim’s growing nuclear arsenal, including what experts say is a new solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile. Its test could be carried out by Kim in the coming months.

The missile was one of about a dozen intercontinental ballistic missiles on display in Pyongyang in a parade Wednesday night. The number of such missiles in a single parade is unprecedented, and underlines, among other things, that Kim is expanding his military capabilities despite dwindling resources amid deepening tensions with its neighbors and the United States.

The parade was also the fifth time that the leader’s daughter Kim Jue – the leader’s second child – appeared in public. She is believed to be ten years old.

Kim had taken his daughter on a military visit on Tuesday.

Pyongyang’s official media is already signaling Kim Jue’s noble role. She is described as respected and loved, but a photo released on Tuesday shows her sitting in the seat of honor at a banquet alongside generals and parents.

Photos released Wednesday show Kim attending a military parade with his wife and daughter. Kim stands on a balcony, smiling and waving as thousands of soldiers line up in the illuminated Kim Irsen Square, official photos show.

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