Top Streamers Slam Dr. Disrespect After His Return To Streaming

Top Streamers Slam Dr. Disrespect After His Return To Streaming

Dr Disrespect


Guy “Dr. Disrespect” Beahm, after previously admitting to inappropriately contacting a minor, has now returned to streaming after several weeks on “vacation,” offering a 20 minute explanation about the incident, and then returning to YouTube gaming as normal.

While a number of his fans have welcomed him back with open arms, the same is not true for top streamers in the industry who previously condemned his behavior. None have changed their tune, even his former friends, many of whom can’t believe he came back at all. Language warning follows.

Nick Mercs


The most notable statement is from NickMercs, the exceptionally controversial streamer, who was Doc’s former friend and gaming buddy who is not having his return at all, saying:

“This ****** Dr. Disrespect is married with children, pushin’ 40. Admits to texing a minor inappropriately. His words, not mine. So I cut ties, because obviously that’s inexcusable. Now I’m a s*** friend for not having his back??? Buncha brain-rot morons on this app.”

Dr. Lupo


Another streaming doctor, Dr. Lupo, offered one of the most forceful torchings of Doc’s return:

There is no way you do not have f****** brain damage from this. There’s absolutely no way. If anywhere along that path you go “oh that’s fine,” you got something f***** up in your head….He messaged a 17-year-old when he was in his late 30s with a child and married to solicit them for sex. And every single time he talks about it, it’s going to be sugarcoated, it’s going to be dumbed down because at what point are you going to say “yeah I wanted to f*** a teenager”? Do you think he’s gonna say that?”

There were similar statements from other top streamers like xQc, who linked to Rod Breslau’s Rolling Stone report about the facts of the case, saying “Reminder, for those whose brains turned off entirely.” Breslau says he “fully stands by his reporting” which include the fact that Disrespect sent explicit messages to someone he knew was a minor.

Doc offered a winding explanation for his actions saying that actually, the person was above the age of content, discussing the legal definitions of “sexting” and “minor” which led to no criminal charges being filed. He previously edited the word “minor” in and out of his now-deleted confession tweet, now saying the word was meant to “bait” journalists and now he says he’s getting ready to take legal action against those involved in or who reported on this situation. His overall explanation, without any evidence like communications with Twitch or the release of the messages he sent, has somehow satisfied many of his fans, but not most outside observers including effectively all the other streamers in his industry.

Right now, he’s currently demonetized on YouTube and will reapply for that in a few weeks. Much of his audience welcomed him back, showering him with kind messages and donations.

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