Answers for today’s NYT Mini Crossword are just ahead.
In case you missed Saturday’s NYT Mini, you can find the answers here:
ForbesToday’s NYT Mini Crossword Clues And Answers For Saturday, August 31By Kris Holt
Wondering a paperless party announcement is? Not sure what it means to wipe out and face-plant? Don’t worry, because I’m here to help you with the answers for today’s NYT Mini crossword.
The NYT Mini is a quick and dirty version of the newspaper’s larger and long-running crossword. Most days, there are between three and five clues in each direction on a five by five grid, but the puzzles are sometimes larger, especially on Saturdays.
Unlike its larger sibling, the NYT Mini crossword is free to play on the New York Times website or NYT Games app. However, you’ll need an NYT Games subscription to access previous puzzles in the archives.
To help you avoid getting stuck and having to reveal missing letters, here are the NYT Mini Crossword answers for Sunday, September 1 (spoilers lie ahead, of course):
NYT Mini Crossword Clues And Answers
1 Across: What spiders craft – WEBS
5 Across: Total wower – BEAUT
6 Across: “Pumpkin spice” order from Starbucks – LATTE
7 Across: Paperless party announcement – EVITE
8 Across: Discourage – DETER
1 Down: Craft, spider-style – WEAVE
2 Down: Wipe out and face-plant, slangily – EAT IT
3 Down: Flat-topped landform – BUTTE
4 Down: Take the helm – STEER
5 Down: Ran, as colors – BLED
Completed New York Times Mini crossword for Sunday, September 1.
It took me 0:37 to complete today’s NYT Mini.
That’s more like it. After a slow game yesterday, a speedy solve is just what I needed. It was a slightly tricky puzzle too. I thought EVITE (a term very few people seem to actually use in real life?) was EMAIL, while BEAUT and EAT IT took a few moments to figure out after I found some of the letters in each. All the same, I’m pleased with that result.
If you need some help with Monday’s NYT Mini, make sure to check out my blog. Meanwhile, if you play other NYT games such as Wordle, Connections and Strands, be sure to check out Forbes Games for our guides to each daily puzzle.