The Riga Psychiatry and Narcology Center is starting a series of seminars on aspects of mental health. The first seminar is already on March 16!

Zaļā Josta - Reklāma

The Riga Psychiatry and Narcology Center (RPNC) is launching a series of informative and educational seminars “Tolerance Formula: Knowledge and Acceptance” – about mental health aspects in communication problem situations, which often develop into intolerance and discrimination due to lack of knowledge, prejudice and psychiatric stigmatization.

Mental health is a difficult topic to talk about, which has only relatively recently become open for discussion and discussion, looking for the most correct ways to do it, because for decades before it was easier not to talk about it at all.

In today’s society, we increasingly notice people with special needs not only due to physical, but also mental problems. This – how to perceive, how to behave, how to act? – can cause confusion, confusion, fear, isolation and intolerance among fellow human beings due to ignorance. It is knowledge and acceptance that is the way to eradicate negative stereotypes and to include in society groups of society that have been subject to discrimination for a long time. Therefore, RPNC organizes these seminars with the aim of increasing tolerance in society towards groups of society subject to discrimination, which are related to mental health problems – mainly in contact with the mentally ill or those suffering from mental health problems, in order to achieve this goal by providing professional knowledge and experience about mental health problems and problem situations, solving them by telling and explaining, thus trying to reduce outdated stereotypes, beliefs, opinions and stigmatization.

The series of seminars “Tolerance Formula: Knowledge and Acceptance” is co-financed within the framework of the Riga City Society Integration Program and is intended for a wide range of society. The seminars will be held from March to November and will cover various topics – about reducing prejudices; on how to build a fulfilling life while living with schizophrenia; about old age without surprises while living with dementia; about a soul-healing landscape in a stressful environment and how to develop a respectful attitude towards such customers for employees of service industries.
The seminars will be held in different formats – there will be those that will take place in person, there will also be those that will be both in person and on the online platform Zoom. Video recordings of all seminars will be published on the RPNC website, where anyone interested can watch them at their convenience.

The first conversation of the seminar cycle about psychiatric stigma and “cemented” prejudices, which prevent timely seeking and receiving help, will be held on March 16 from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. in person at the Conference Hall of the Riga Psychiatry and Narcology Center, Tvaika Street 2, Riga. It will be led by RPNC Head of Outpatient Consultative Department of Narcological Assistance Service, narcologist – psychotherapist Inga Landsmane. She is also a lecturer at the University of Latvia, has been active in prevention work and public education, co-author of several social projects. Interested parties are requested to register their participation in the seminar by 14.03.2023. to e-mail – [email protected].

Zaļā Josta - Reklāma