‘Starfield’ Infinite Ammo, No Cheats: Introducing The Puddle Robbery

‘Starfield’ Infinite Ammo, No Cheats: Introducing The Puddle Robbery
Zaļā Josta - Reklāma



While you may be a pirate in Starfield and robbing things already, there is a large chunk of the population who doesn’t want to say, murder an entire town to grab everything from its citizens and vendors while racking up a half million dollar bounty.

Enter one of the weirdest, most profitable glitches in Starfield, something that allows you to rob a store without really robbing it, and supply yourself with some of the most valuable materials in the game, including what will effectively amount to infinite ammo, one of its most scarce and annoying resources.

Is this “cheating”? Not in the sense that you’re using console commands or mods to turn on god mode. Is it an exploit? I mean, yeah, kind of. But do with it what you will.

This is called the “Puddle Robbery,” which is exactly as weird as it sounds. In New Akila, there is a shop called Shepherd’s General Store right near the entrance on the left, as seen above. In front of that shop, there are several mud puddles. This is the one that will help you with your heist. Thanks puddle.



What you need to do from here is to go into third person camera mode, then crouch down, staring at the puddle. Moving around you will soon hit a point that has access to the entire inventory of the store, as Bethesda stocks vendors using a chest hidden inside the geometry of the map somewhere. This is a quantum tunnel directly to that chest, where you can rob the stock without getting a bounty.



Since this is a General Store, there are tons of things in here. 5,000 credits isn’t that much, really, but the more valuable find is hundreds and hundreds of rounds of ammo for every type of gun you have, a huge boon given how ammo starved you will often find yourself in the game. There are also Ship Parts, med packs and a bunch of building materials and outfits as well. There are weapons, but only basic rarity ones.

This is also not a one-time theft. Because vendor stock refreshes, you can wait I believe 48 hours local time by sleeping in your ship or waiting on a chair (there is a little outdoor seating cafe toward the Freestar tower off to the right). Once that time period is up, don’t go back to the puddle. First go to the vendor and confirm his stock and credits are back. Then you can go back to the puddle and continue robbing him blind. Repeat as necessary.

While Bethesda will probably patch this eventually, you can use this as much or as little as you want, I’m just giving you the option, so do with this what you will. I will be lounging in my giant pile of ammo, in the meantime.

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Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.

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Zaļā Josta - Reklāma