Riga municipality checks the safety of playgrounds; plans to restore 13 squares this year

The Territorial Improvement Department (TLP) of the Central Administration of Riga City Council has started annual safety inspections of the playground to assess and prevent the risks of injuries to children. At the same time, it is expected that 13 playgrounds will be renovated in the city this year.

During inspections, in accordance with the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers*, the general level of safety of gaming facilities and fields is determined. The functionality and stability of the equipment are also checked, in particular to detect damage and defects caused by damage to property, various types of wear and tear, long-term structural problems, changes in the safety level of the equipment. The risk of injury to children is assessed.

Annual inspections and risk assessments are carried out by certified inspectors, who prepare an opinion for each area. After receiving opinions, TLP’s duty is to eliminate risks to children’s health and safety. Where municipal gaming facilities are located on municipally-owned plots of land, gaming facilities are repaired and renovated, with larger renovations also planned.

On the other hand, 58 of the 113 playgrounds under the control of TLP were once installed on plots of land that, as a result of privatization, came into the private ownership of apartment owners of apartment buildings. This means – the gaming facilities belong to the municipality – but the land belongs to private owners.

In those municipal playgrounds, which are located on private land, as a result of the annual inspections, it is necessary to dismantle the elements that are recognized as dangerous. The municipality cannot install new equipment in these places, because the law** prevents the municipality from investing funds in the improvement of privately owned plots of land. This means that this year, too, it is planned to dismantle dangerous gaming equipment located in the yards of individual apartment buildings.

Currently, TLP has posted notices about the planned dismantling works at 18 addresses. This address list can be found at www.riga.lv/rotallaukumi.

In the Riga Development Program for 2022-2027, one of the achievable indicators is the availability of playgrounds within a radius of 500 meters from the place of residence of 75% of the inhabitants of densely populated neighborhoods (over 50 inhabitants per hectare). Therefore, in the coming years, TLP plans to build new playgrounds on plots of land owned by the municipality in densely populated areas.

This year, the municipality plans to restore 13 playgrounds – 6 children’s playgrounds outside parks and educational institutions, a children’s playground in the Bastejkalnas park, as well as 5-6 children’s playgrounds near preschool educational institutions. A new recreational area will also be built, which will have play areas for children of different ages. Also, 6 playgrounds are to be resurfaced and 8 are to have new lighting.

This year, 20 projects for the construction of new playgrounds outside the parks will be developed, as well as a project for the renovation of the playground in Viesturdārz. These projects are expected to be implemented next year.

The construction of new playgrounds is planned by implementing the participatory budget project ideas submitted and supported by citizens. This year, the construction of a field will be carried out in the vicinity of Bras, as well as the design of five playgrounds supported in the 2022 participation budget competition.

Riga municipality has a total of 341 playgrounds – 180 are located near educational institutions, 43 are located in parks, squares and recreation areas by the water, while 113 are located elsewhere in the city.

Zaļā Josta - Reklāma