Research reveals strange facts about giraffe sex

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Zaļā Josta - Reklāma

Giraffe sex is not so easy, because giraffes are several meters tall, and therefore it is difficult for them to reach the urine puddles on the ground. The solution to this problem is to get the female to suckle and catch the stream of urine.

In a new study, scientists Lynette and Benjamin Hart of the University of California, Davis, describe the secrets of the sex lives of giraffes.
Observing the giraffes congregating at the Namutoni waterholes, Harty observed how the giraffes dealt with this question.

“The male tickles the female, encouraging her to lick,” says Hart.

“And often she does. If the female is unresponsive, then it is clear that this pair will not have a future together,” explains the researcher.
To get what he wants, the male taps or touches the female’s belly. Sometimes he waits nearby. During the rut, some females wait for the male to approach before peeing.

A male giraffe sucks some urine into his mouth, then raises his head and spits it into the air. This is how he evaluates pheromones to determine if the female is ready to mate.

The researchers also studied the voice of giraffes. These animals have always been considered quiet. But recent research shows that they communicate by coughing, whistling and growling.

Zaļā Josta - Reklāma