Poll: Two-thirds of voters fear Biden lacks mental, physical health to be president

Poll: Two-thirds of voters fear Biden lacks mental, physical health to be president

Roughly two-thirds of voters say they have concerns about President Biden’s mental and physical ability to serve a second term, according to an NBC News poll released Sunday.

The survey found that 68% of voters said they have major or moderate concerns about the 80-year-old president, compared to 32% who said they have minor or no real concerns.

The majority of voters said the same about leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. However, fewer were concerned about the 77-year-old former president. Those with major or moderate concerns accounted for 55% compared to 44% who had minor or no real concerns or were unsure.

The poll comes amid assertions from Republicans that Mr. Biden is unfit to serve a second term. Verbal gaffes and physical stumbles have fueled such claims: At the Air Force Academy graduation ceremony this month, Mr. Biden fell down on stage after tripping over a sandbag.

He has consistently rebuffed questions about his age on the campaign trail and insisted it will not be an issue for voters at the ballot box.

“[The American electorate is] going to see a race, and they’re going to judge whether or not I have it or don’t have it,” Mr. Biden told reporters in April shortly after announcing his reelection. “I respect them taking a hard look at it. I take a hard look at it as well — I took a hard look at it before I decided to run, and I feel good, I feel excited about the prospects.”

The poll was conducted June 16-20 among 1,000 registered voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

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