Municipal co-financing for private preschool educational institutions has been significantly increased

Latvia :

This year, the municipality of Ādaži region significantly increased the co-financing of the municipality for families whose children attend private preschool educational institutions. For children aged 1.5 to 4 years, it has been increased by 80 euros, and for children aged 5 to 7 years – by 78 euros.

For families whose children attend a private kindergarten, the co-financing for children aged 1.5 to 4 years old declared in private preschool educational institutions in Ādaži county in 2023 is set at 365.00 euros/month instead of the previous 285 euros.

On the other hand, for the children of the county who receive mandatory preparation for primary education (5-7 years old), the municipal co-financing is set at 278.00 euros/month instead of the previous 200 euros. Co-financing for childcare service providers (nannies) has remained at 150 euros/month.

As the municipality of Ādažu region has already informed, the amount of co-financing for children from the age of 5 is smaller, because the state allocates a targeted grant for the salary of teachers and provides partial financing for the purchase of teaching aids and materials. The amount of co-financing, depending on the age of the children, is related to the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers and the cost calculation methodology, which provides for different procedures for children of compulsory education age. The regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers stipulate that the municipal support for one child is determined in an amount that corresponds to the average costs required for one student in the municipal kindergarten for the implementation of the pre-school education program determined by the municipality.
Co-financing for private schools
Support for parents whose children attend private general education institutions has remained at 90 euros/month this year. Also, co-financing of 40 euros/month for attending private general distance learning educational institutions has remained.

Zaļā Josta - Reklāma