Latvian Minister of Health: a modern, safe and pleasant environment creates a positive experience for employees and patients

Latvijas Darba devēju konfederācijas ģenerāldirektore Līga Menģelsone pirms vienošanās parakstīšanas par sociālā dialoga veicināšanu Rīgas pašvaldībā.

On Friday, February 10, the Minister of Health, Līga Meņģelsone, visited the Traumatology and Orthopedics Hospital (TOS), opening a modern operating room and auxiliary rooms in the renovated operating block, which will help in the future work of the hospital to plan operations more efficiently and reduce patients’ waiting time for operations and, therefore, the length of stay the hospital.
“A modern, safe and pleasant environment creates a positive experience for both employees and patients. The Traumatology and Orthopedics Hospital embodies national level competence in its field, which must go hand in hand with an appropriate environment. Today, I was convinced of the ability and inspiration of the hospital’s employees not only to provide highly professional healthcare services, but to do everything to improve the well-being of both patients and medical staff,” saidLīga Meņģelsone.
In the Traumatology and Orthopedics Hospital, the renovation works in the operation block were completed in February this year, adding a new and modernly equipped operating theater to the already existing operating theaters, as well as a multifunctional room for putting patients to sleep and waking them up, which was not in the operation block until now.
“Until now, we have had a big shortage of surgery drugs, the existing drugs were working under heavy load, as the number of patients is constantly increasing. The new hall and its auxiliary rooms will facilitate work, help to reduce the waiting time for operations, thus also reducing the length of stay of patients in the hospital,” says Uģis Zariņš, chief physician of TOS.
The multi-functional room will lighten the workload of the operating room, giving the opportunity to clear the room faster and start the next operation while the patients are being prepared for the operation or waking up from anesthesia. Also, a new storage for sterile materials has been created in the operation block.

Zaļā Josta - Reklāma