In a couple of hours, the necessary amount was donated for the treatment of actor Mārtiņš Eglien

Pāris stundu laikā saziedota nepieciešamā summa aktiera Mārtiņa Egliena ārstēšanai
Zaļā Josta - Reklāma

On February 14, the “” portal published a call for donations for Mārtiņš Eglien, an actor of the Latvian National Theater, so that the actor could regain his speech abilities. The necessary 10,000 euros were donated in just a few hours.
By 17.00, more than 16,000 euros have already been donated.

It has already been announced that the Latvian National Theater actor Mārtiņš Egliens has been struggling with health problems for more than a year. The Council of Latvian Doctors has ordered the actor to undergo a procedure in a German clinic, but it requires financial support.

“An actor’s talent is rooted in the subtlety of the soul, the strength of nerves, a sharp reaction, and a trained memory. Talent cannot be expressed without a voice. At the moment, this, the main “weapon” of an actor, has been taken away from Mārtiņš,” says

For some time, Mārtiņš felt that there were problems with his voice. However, a year ago, he realized that the situation was serious, because he was no longer able to talk normally. Since then, Mārtiņš has been to countless doctors, examinations and procedures. Several specialists were visited – ENT, neurologists, osteopaths, kinesiologist, manual therapist, psychiatrist, speech therapist, voice trainer, needle therapy and even healers. Unfortunately, there are no results.

The Council of Latvian Doctors has prescribed a procedure for Mārtiņš, which is performed in a German clinic. The procedure costs up to 10,000 euros. An application has been submitted to the National Health Service for state-paid treatment, but the answer is still awaited. But the disease does not wait. Mārtiņš wants to get to the clinic and receive the procedure as soon as possible. If the procedure helps, then it will have to be repeated after some time.

Zaļā Josta - Reklāma