I allowed myself more on weekends. How does it affect health?

Holidays and holidays are often referred to as “indulging more” time, when we often eat and drink things that are not on the usual daily menu, without particularly limiting the size of the portions. However, the pleasures of vacations and holidays can lead to feelings of guilt if the boundaries of healthy habits that have been respected so far have been violated. Should we really be concerned about how gastronomic pleasures affect health?

You can gain extra pounds during the holidays
“Studies have shown that you can gain extra pounds right on vacation. But on average, it’s not as dramatic as the diet-focused culture tends to make it out to be. Such gastronomic free steps promote a relatively small weight gain, reaching approximately 0.7 kilograms,” says Inga Orleāne, an internist at the Association of Health Centers (VCA) and manager of the day hospital “Aura Premium”.
However, because every person is so different and the science of nutrition is just as complex, studies have been conducted with mixed findings. Also, they focus on body weight rather than overall health. Weight is just a marker that is easy to measure, assessing health is much more complicated.
Food is not just a source of energy
That’s right – food does not only mean nutrients for providing the body with energy. It is a big part of celebrations and traditions and promotes social, cultural and emotional well-being.
Although it is not always so obvious, the soul is also nourished by food, which connects us to loved ones and traditions, and it plays a role as important as supplying the body with nutrients.
Meet – your homeostasis!
Homeostasis is a scientific term that describes the self-regulation of systems. The word comes from the ancient Greek words “like” and “constant”. For living organisms, this means that biological processes can adapt to changes in order to maintain the constancy of functional systems. The body constantly ensures a constant state of functional systems – this is how body temperature, blood sugar level, blood pressure and other systems that are important for survival are regulated.
“The principles of homeostasis also apply to eating and metabolism. If we eat too much for a day or two (or even a week) on vacation or during a holiday, processes occur in the body that reduce this effect. This is also the reason why losing weight on restrictive diets can be difficult – homeostasis ensures that by reducing energy intake, the body adapts to lower energy consumption,” explains the internal medicine doctor. From this we can conclude that for most people individual episodes of overeating are unlikely to be the main determinants of health outcomes. In the long run, your health will be more affected by your daily eating habits.

A bit about balance
A restrictive diet is difficult to follow over a long period of time. Some people are more successful in maintaining healthy eating habits when exceptions are allowed. “Nevertheless, even when giving yourself discounts for this behavior, it is worth heeding some precautionary recommendations for the sake of your health,” urges Inga Orleāne. Here are the highlights!
If you drink alcohol, then in moderation. Excessive use of it can increase the risk of chronic diseases, and also increases the risk of accidents and violence. Soft drinks (water, tea) taken along with alcoholic drinks will help reduce the amount of alcohol taken and possibly save you from a severe hangover, however, it will not eliminate all possible risks.
Risks of food contamination. During the summer holidays, food is at risk of spoiling faster under the influence of heat, and spoiled food poses a risk of poisoning, so the basic rules of food preparation and serving should be strictly kept in mind, such as avoiding contact between uncooked meat and other food products, proper storage of the product, proper handling and, of course, , washing hands when working with products and before enjoying a meal.
If you’re with guests, it’s a good idea to discuss food allergens together to make sure the feast is safe for everyone.
Let’s draw the boundaries. It is not necessary to give up all healthy habits when enjoying holiday and festive food – healthy nutrition and healthy enjoyment can coexist! There are many opportunities to find recommendations from nutritionists on how to prepare food that is both tasty and healthy, reminds Inga Orleāne, VCA internist and manager of the day hospital “Aura Premium”.
Without cramps and feeling bad
“Even if we know that during some holidays it is hardly possible to significantly gain weight by indulging in delicious temptations, summer gastronomic entertainment can still bring some unpleasant surprises. It is important to have all the necessary means at hand for such cases,” says Juta Namsone, a pharmacist at Mēnes Aptiekas.
So what exactly should a sober food connoisseur have in his home medicine cabinet?

For a digestive aid. If you know that the food will be “heavy” (for example, grilled meat), it is recommended to take enzymes during the meal – an over-the-counter drug containing enzymes that help break down carbohydrates (amylase), fats (lipase) and proteins (protease). If you feel a burning sensation in your stomach after a meal, chewable tablets can help, which neutralize the acid by creating an alkaline environment in the stomach. They contain calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate (or hydroxide) and aluminum hydroxide.
Medicines against diarrhea. If diarrhea has started, absorbents – activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight) or diosmectite will be useful. However, one must be careful with an overdose of absorbents, because they can absorb both pathogenic flora and good bacteria. In case of dehydration (a result of diarrhea!) it is recommended to restore the amount of lost fluid and electrolytes. An excellent remedy will be one that contains sodium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium chloride, and glucose. If it is not possible to go to a pharmacy, such a remedy can also be prepared at home – add one teaspoon (without a heap) of salt, 8 teaspoons of sugar or 4 teaspoons of glucose to one liter of boiled water. In addition, water must be consumed until the bowel movements return to normal. It is also recommended to use herbal teas or black tea, which contain more tannins. The tea should be allowed to infuse for 20 minutes and drunk without sugar. In case of diarrhea, dairy products should be avoided.
For constipation relief. Yes, constipation can also be one of the problems. To reduce or prevent it, you should first try to switch to a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, you can use wheat bran and linseed, but if this diet does not help, you should take an over-the-counter medicine containing egg plantains (to be taken with 1 glass of water) and additionally during the day you should drink a lot of liquid to reduce the discomfort – the feeling of heaviness. Over-the-counter preparations containing macrogol and lactulose can be used daily and long-term. They increase the osmotic pressure and contribute to the filling of the intestines with liquid. A faster effect will be given by bisacodyl or glycerin in the form of suppositories or suppositories or rectal solution (enema). Herbs with laxative effects include senna leaves and raven bark, which can be taken as a tea.
For nausea and vomiting. Mint and lemon tea, ginger, which has anti-inflammatory properties and improves the functioning of the digestive system, will be useful. Lollipops with similar ingredients can be used. It is also important to take small sips of liquid.

If there was a celebration, the next couple of days after it, the pharmacist invites you to devote yourself to your health, drink more water, eat food with good digestion, choose a balanced diet, and also consider the use of additional vitamins, for example, you could use group B vitamins, which can be purchased in regular or soluble tablets way. “It can help reduce fatigue, weakness and maintain mental performance. You should not get carried away with the duration of taking these vitamins.
A fiber mixture that can be purchased at the pharmacy, which contains, for example, inulin, plantain seeds, lactic acid bacteria, ginger root, mint leaves, fennel seeds, cranberries, can be useful and allows the digestive system to recover after a proper gastronomic feast and return to its usual – health-supporting – nutritional regime. ” wishing you a great summer vacation, says pharmacist Juta Namson.

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