How to Boost Your Energy

How to Boost Your Energy

Ever feel like you’re running on empty? Maybe you’re a manager juggling a never-ending to-do list, or a parent slogging through another day of work, chores, and childcare. Your energy gauge is flashing ‘low,’ and it’s only 2 p.m. You’re not alone. We’ve all been there, hunting for that magic bullet—a new coffee blend, an energy drink, or perhaps even a quick nap—to jolt us back to life. The problem? These are just band-aids, temporary solutions that fizzle out fast.

You’ve probably tried a dozen tricks to recharge, only to find yourself back at square one: tired, stressed, and searching for the next quick fix. But what if you could rise above this cycle? What if you could maintain that much-needed energy all day, every day?

In this article, we’re not talking about short-term patches. We’re diving into lasting strategies that don’t just revive you for an hour but keep your energy tank full, period. So if you’re tired of being tired, read on. We’ve got some fuel for your fire.

Hack Your Habits & Routines to Boost Your Energy

Let’s get down to brass tacks. You already know that 80% of what you do every day is basically a rerun. The same habits, the same routines, just set on loop. Now, here’s the thing: these patterns determine your energy budget. Are you spending or saving?

Good habits are your power-ups. They keep you moving, feeling upbeat, and dialed into what matters. Bad habits? They’re your energy vampires, sucking away your vitality until you’re left too drained to tackle anything new.

Here’s a hard truth: many of us check the price tag before buying a shirt, but hardly anyone checks the ‘energy tag’ of their daily habits. Don’t make that mistake. Unless you tune into how your routines eat into your energy, you’re spending blind.

John C. Maxwell hit the nail on the head:

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

So let’s talk tactics for hacking your habits to supercharge your energy:

Step 1: Balance Your Energy Meter

First, make a list. What’s gobbling up your energy? What’s putting some back in the tank?

For example, mindlessly scrolling through social media or binge-watching TV is like paying an energy tax. You might not feel it in the moment, but it’s there, slowly draining you.

But activities like a quick workout or a power nap? That’s like making an energy deposit.

Your goal is to find the equilibrium. Start balancing the withdrawals with deposits so your energy stays level throughout the day..

Step 2: Find Energy Positive Actions

Now that you know your energy villains and heroes, it’s time to make some swaps. Get those energy-draining actions out and replace them with something that lifts you up.

Test different energy boosters and see how they fit. Maybe it’s trading in your mid-afternoon social media dive for a brisk walk. Slot these new actions into your daily groove, make them a habit, and watch how they change your game.

And if you’ve got a hard-to-quit habit that’s a real energy sink, don’t beat yourself up. Just cut it down. If you love Netflix but know it’s zapping your energy, dial it back. Go from watching every day to maybe just a weekend treat.

Small changes, big impact. Your energy is your currency. Spend it wisely.

Rest With a Strategy

Think you’re too busy for rest? Newsflash: that’s like saying you’re too busy driving to stop for gas. Eventually, you’ll grind to a halt. Rest is the real fuel that keeps your engine—body and mind—running smoothly.

Let’s be clear: we’re not just talking about adding rest to your routine. We’re talking about designing a resting strategy – a plan. Because if it’s not on the calendar, it doesn’t exist, right?

First, you’ll need to find small, manageable habits that can slot easily into your day. Here’s your litmus test:

  • Can you do it anywhere, anytime?
  • Will it only take 10-15 minutes?
  • Do you need any special gear?

Take stretching or mindful breathing, for instance. You can do these pretty much anywhere. They’re short and sweet. And guess what? You don’t need a yoga mat or a meditation cushion.

But let’s not forget the granddaddy of all rest: sleep. Quality sleep isn’t just about clocking in the hours; it’s about making those hours count. To get the most out of your zzz’s, you might want to check out this Guide on How to Fall Asleep Faster And Sleep Better.

Rest isn’t a pit stop. It’s part of the journey. Build it into your day and watch how far you’ll go.

Move Your Body For Energy

You might be sitting there, reading this, thinking you’re conserving energy. Here’s the irony: by not moving, you’re actually sapping your own energy.

Movement, that’s right, regular old-fashioned exercise, is your power switch.

Harvard’s got the numbers to back this up. They found that moving around, stretching your legs, doing a jig, or just taking the stairs can pump up both your mental and physical voltage.[1] And for the flip side of that coin? The dangers of too much couch time are real. Dive into the pitfalls of a sedentary lifestyle if you need more convincing.

Now, I get it. You’re swamped. Who’s got time to squeeze in a workout with back-to-back meetings and family duties? But I promise, with the right game plan, you can find pockets of time to get moving.

Curious about how to do it? Here’s a roadmap for the busy bees: How To Get Fit If You Have a Busy Schedule.

It’s not about finding time. It’s about making time. Move it to make it.

Eat For Energy

Alright, let’s get straight to the point: you are what you eat. Or more accurately, your energy is what you eat. Your constant fatigue might be your menu that’s dragging you down.

Water: Your Liquid Gold

Water’s not just for plants; it’s your lifeblood, too. Your body’s made up of about 60% of the stuff. It’s the unsung hero in your daily life, powering everything from your blood flow to your brainpower.

In fact, it’s so pivotal that it’s got its hands in all sorts of essential bodily functions: absorption, temperature regulation, circulation, digestion, and nutrient transport.[2]

Here’s a pro tip: Kickstart your day with a big ol’ glass of water. Do it before you chomp down on your toast or sip that morning latte. It’s like giving your body a “good morning” memo, signaling it’s time to wake up and roll.

Also, check out How Much Water Should You Drink Each Day (and How to Drink More Water) for more tips.

Ginger: The Ancient Powerhouse

Let’s travel back in time, about 4,000 years ago. People then didn’t have our fancy supplements or health fads, but they had ginger – that spicy little root you might have in your kitchen.

Ginger has been a trusted ally for millennia. Here’s the lowdown on this wonder root: Benefits of Ginger You Might Not Know.

Ginger doesn’t just spice up your food, it amps up your health. From soothing sore muscles and getting the blood flowing to tackling inflammation and fending off those pesky migraines. Plus, as a little added bonus, it gives your immune system a boost, priming your body’s defenses.

Blueberries: The Royalty of Fruits

Dubbed the ‘king of fruits’, blueberries pack a punch way above its weight. Want to dive deeper into the subject?

Blueberries are stuffed with fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and a splash of vitamin C. That’s like having an all-star team of nutrients right there.

Result? Your heart pumps better, your cells get a fighting chance against cancer, and your brain? It performs like a well-oiled machine.

Find out more about the benefits of blueberries here.

Almonds: The Nut That Nails It

Packed to the brim with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein, almonds are basically your body’s best friend. Need a quick energy kick? Almonds.

But they’re not just about boosting your pep; they’re out there playing defense too. From knocking down cholesterol to putting up a fight against heart disease and cancer, almonds got your back. Learn more here: Benefits of Almonds That Will Surprise You

How to munch on these marvels?

  • Go raw: Grab a handful and snack away.
  • Smooth it out: Try almond butter on toast or in your smoothie.
  • Milk it: Almond milk is a delicious dairy alternative.
  • Pro tip: Soak them for up to 12 hours; it’ll make them easier on your tummy.

Kombucha: A Probiotic Powerhouse

Kombucha is basically brewed tea mixed with SCOBY (the short version for ‘symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast’). This combo creates a beverage bursting with organic enzymes, amino acids, and vitamins. Think of it as a magic potion for your body. It detoxifies, heals, and gives you a solid energy boost.[3]

How to get your hands on it?

  • Head to the health store: they usually stock up on this liquid gold. Here’re some nice brands of kombucha.
  • DIY it: If you’re feeling adventurous, grab a kombucha brewing kit and play alchemist at home.

To wrap it up: Kombucha is like the A-team of beverages. Drink up for a healthier, more energetic you.

Eggs: The Morning Superhero

Inside that humble shell, you’ve got a cocktail of nutritional goodness: vitamins A, B2, B12, D, and E. Not to forget protein, calcium, and iron. This small package delivers big on the health front.[4]

And let’s not overlook the versatility factor here – fry them, boil them or make a quiche; the options are endless.

A tip from the wise: aim for free-range and organic. You’ll be voting with your wallet for better farming practices while snagging some extra nutritional perks.

Oatmeal: Your Morning Fuel for the Long Haul

Often crowned the go-to breakfast choice, oatmeal packs a punch. How? Think high doses of soluble fiber and protein. But that’s not all. The oats in that bowl also hustle to help lower your cholesterol and keep blood pressure in check. Learn more about the benefits of oatmeal here.

From my own breakfast table to yours, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I swear by oatmeal. Not only is it nourishing and wholesome, but it also keeps me charged and ready to face the day.

So the next time you’re pondering what to start your morning with, give oatmeal a whirl. Your heart, stomach, and energy levels will nod in agreement.

Coconut Water: Nature’s Own Energy Drink

You’ve seen the gym buffs guzzling sports drinks. But what if I told you there’s a natural alternative that’s just as effective, if not better?

That’s coconut water.

Coconut water is chock-full of minerals, and potassium is the standout star here. This isn’t just something to sip on the beach; it’s an energy kick-starter that can fuel your day. Find out more about the benefits of coconut water here.

Iif straight-up coconut water isn’t your style, go ahead and mix it into a smoothie. A couple of strawberries, maybe a banana, and you’ve got yourself a tropical treat that doesn’t just taste good—it makes you feel good, too.

Supplements For Energy

There’s always been this buzzing debate about supplements: essential life-changers or just pricey placebos? One camp insists, “Eat right, and you’re set.” The other argues, “Modern food ain’t what it used to be.”

So, where do I land on this spectrum? Definitely in the corner saying our food isn’t the nutrient powerhouse we’d like it to be.

Every time I’ve added supplements into my routine, the results were nothing short of electric.

Sure, a well-rounded multivitamin is your baseline.[5] But if you’re looking for that extra spark, there are specific supplements out there ready to kick things up a notch:

Vitamin B Complex

Imagine a team, each player with a unique role but all striving for the same win. That’s your Vitamin B Complex for you. Comprising eight power players: B-1 (thiamine),B-2 (riboflavin), B-3 (niacin), B-5 (pantothenic acid), B-6 (pyridoxine), B-7 (biotin), B-9 (folic acid) and B-12 (cobalamin).

Why so? They’re the gears keeping your body’s machine running.[6] Think of them as the architects of your brain function, the engine behind cell metabolism, and the spark behind your get-up-and-go.

Beyond that, they’re standing guard, ready to fend off infections. And those little aches and digestive issues? B vitamins have got your back there, too.

Vitamin D3

Sunshine’s great, but you can’t bank on it to meet all your Vitamin D needs, especially if you’re cooped up indoors or living in less sun-drenched locales. Vitamin D3 supplements are like bottled sunshine for your health.

Vitamin D3 is stellar for keeping your bones and teeth in top shape. But there’s more. Research is linking it to defending your body against some heavy hitters like Type 1 diabetes.[7]

And get this: scientists from Newcastle University are saying Vitamin D even acts like a natural energy drink.[8] It doesn’t just amp you up; it actually makes your muscles work more efficiently.


If you’re feeling sluggish, can’t seem to focus, or get winded easily, low iron levels might be the culprit. Now, most people should be pulling enough iron from their plate, but sometimes life happens and you come up short.

When iron is low, your blood starts to lose its red blood cells that carry oxygen everywhere it needs to go. The medical term for it is iron deficiency anemia, or IDA for short.[9] If you don’t tackle it head-on, you’re not just looking at an energy slump; you’re looking at a potential health curveball.

So, what to do? A blood test isn’t as fun as a game of tag, but it’s a good idea to check your iron levels from time to time. If they’re dipping, it might be time to consider an iron supplement before you wind up in the major leagues of fatigue and focus problems. Make sure you’re running on all cylinders, not just sputtering along.

Fish Oil

Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA and EPA, fish oil isn’t just good for your ticker; it’s a booster shot for your brain and a shield against lingering inflammation. Aim for 1,000 mg of DHA and EPA together in your daily dose for better health.

Now, I hear you, “What if fish just isn’t my jam?” or “What if I’m vegan?” No sweat. There’s a backup: algal oil. It’s the stuff fish eat to get their omega-3s. It’s plant-based but just as potent. Whether you’re dodging fish for ethical reasons or because you’re allergic, algal oil is a solid stand-in.[10]

So whether it comes from fish or algae, get that oil in and let it work its multitasking magic on your body and brain.


Sometimes, the best solutions come from the oldest playbooks – ginseng. It’s a plant rooted in ancient traditions with a serious reputation. For centuries, people have turned to ginseng because it’s like a shield for your body. It gears up your immune system.

And if you’re watching your sugar levels, there’s good news: some studies suggest ginseng can help keep those in check.[11]

From the snow-covered terrains of Siberia to the bustling markets of Korea, variations of this root can be found worldwide. The superstars? Korean, Siberian, and American ginseng. Each has its unique twist, but all pack a punch when it comes to health perks. Dive in, and discover what ginseng can do for you.


We’re talking about live microorganisms here, but they are on your side to keep things in your gut running smoothly.

These microbes are like the maintenance crew of your digestive system, keeping things in balance. Studies have found that a healthy gut could be the secret sauce to better mental health[12] and a stronger immune system.[13]

You might have bumped into probiotics already, in foods like yogurt or sauerkraut. But if fermented foods aren’t your jam, no worries. Probiotics also come in easy-to-take capsules, tablets, and even powders.

Learn more about probiotics in What Are Probiotics And How To Choose a Good One?


You might know turmeric as that bright yellow stuff that adds color to curry, but this little spice is packing a powerful punch. Hidden within its vibrant hue is a compound called curcumin, which battles inflammation like a champ.

But it’s more than just an inflammation buster. Studies have shown that it’s got a hand in tackling diabetes, slowing down the march of Alzheimer’s, and even lifting the clouds of depression. Plus, it’s like a shield for your body, guarding against free radicals that cause harm.

When your body isn’t bogged down with inflammation or fighting off threats, it’s free to thrive. That’s where that natural energy boost comes in.

If you’re nodding and thinking you want in on this, check out the ins and outs of using turmeric to get the most out of it: How to Take Turmeric to Reap Its Health Benefits.

Coffee For Energy

Most have a coffee routine. Some sip it for the rich flavors, others are chasing that caffeine kick. But here’s the thing: coffee is more than just a taste delight or a wake-up call.

First, let’s talk about focus. Ever have one of those days where your brain feels like it’s swimming through fog? Coffee can clear that up, helping you stay sharp and on point.

And if you’re someone who’s trying to shed a few pounds, coffee can lend a hand there too. It helps torch calories by firing up your metabolism.

Got a workout planned? A cup of coffee might just ramp up your performance.

Now, let’s be clear: moderation is key. Dive deep into the coffee pot, and you might find it hard to catch some Z’s later.

From where I stand, I’d suggest capping it at around 400mg of caffeine for that morning lift. Think 2-3 shots of espresso or about five teaspoons of the instant stuff. If you’re expecting or nursing, you might want to play it safe and have less of that.

Remember, caffeine isn’t a sprinter; it’s a marathon runner. It lingers. In fact, even 5-6 hours after that morning brew, half its strength might still be in your system.[14] So, if you’re wondering why that 3 pm coffee has you wide-eyed at midnight, that’s the reason.

To keep things simple: Stick to the morning for your caffeine boost. It’ll perk you up when you need it and let you wind down when the day’s done.

For all the coffee enthusiasts, dive deeper into how to harness its power in the The Ultimate Coffee Guide For Energy Boost.

Final Thoughts

From eggs and oatmeal to ginseng and coffee, you’ve got an array of options to fuel your day. Supplements? They’re not a must-have, but they can fill in the gaps, giving you that extra oomph. But remember, it’s not just about what you put into your body, but also when and how you do it.

You don’t have to be a health guru to benefit from these tips. Small changes can bring big results. And that’s really the goal here: to help you find the best way to keep your energy tank full.

You have the control, you make the choices, and your energy level is the canvas on which you paint your day.

So go ahead, pick a few things from this guide and give them a try. Life’s too short for midday slumps and wasted potential.

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Zaļā Josta - Reklāma