Fortnite unveils Raiden skin as Metal Gear’s Solid Snake makes debut

Fortnite unveils Raiden skin as Metal Gear’s Solid Snake makes debut
Zaļā Josta - Reklāma

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A Fortnite screenshot showing Metal Gear's Raiden wielding a sniper rifle.

Image credit: Epic Games

As Fortnite continues its apparent mission to feature all other video games within itself in some capacity (until presumably it then puts itself in itself, including all other video games within), developer Epic Games has revealed Solid Snake isn’t the only Metal Gear characer joining the battle royale line-up – with Raiden also set to appear as a new premium skin.

Fortnite, which is currently a month into Chapter 5 Season 1, released its first major update of the year – officially known as 28.10, number fans – earlier today. It includes new Bonus Reward styles for it Battle Pass skins, and, more notably, unlocks the ability to earn the previously announced Solid Snake Battle Pass skin and themed cosmetics by completing in-game quests.

As is often the case, a range of new store-bound premium cosmetics were also squirrelled away in today’s update, and all ten were swiftly unearthed and shared by dataminers – including one depicting Solid Snake’s Metal Gear pal Raiden. And the latter has now been given an official welcome to Fortnite in Epic’s Solid Snake promotional trailer, which features Raiden sporadically de-camouflaging throughout.

Raiden and Solid Snake make their Fortnite debut.

As also leaked, Raiden’s premium skin – which should be accompanied by a katana weapon and themed wrap – comes in two selectable styles: one in which his long blond locks flow with lustrous abandon, and the other a masked variant. Regrettably, Epic has elected not to include a tastefully naked Raiden variant, so forget any dreams you might have had of nudely cartwheeling your way to victory when he eventually pops up in the store.

Fortnite’s latest chapter arrived in December, introducing three permanent new modes – Lego survival, Rocket Racing, and Fortnite Festival – making for one of its most substantial updates since launching back in 2017. The season is currently expected to conclude on 8th March.

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Matt Wales

News Reporter

Matt Wales is a writer and gambolling summer child who won’t even pretend to live a busily impressive life of dynamic go-getting for the purposes of this bio. He is the sole and founding member of the Birdo for President of Everything Society.

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Zaļā Josta - Reklāma