Flamin’ Hot Breathing Problems: Spicy Doritos Seasoning Causing Health Issues In Factory Workers, Union Claims

Flamin’ Hot Breathing Problems: Spicy Doritos Seasoning Causing Health Issues In Factory Workers, Union Claims


Factory workers in Australia have been suffering from “difficulty breathing,” skin irritation and an array of other health complaints due to the spicy seasoning used to make Doritos corn chips, a union has claimed, sparking an investigation from the local safety watchdog over how the factory handles the seasoning.

A union complained about conditions in an Australian doritos factory.

UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Key Facts

Workers at the Smith’s Snackfood Company factory in Adelaide have suffered an array of health issues caused by the “flaming hot seasoning” used to make Doritos, the United Workers’ Union (UWU) alleged in a complaint filed with workplace safety regulator SafeWork SA.

The UWU said a number of employees had “raised significant safety concerns” over how “strongly irritating substances” were being handled, with the seasoning being dispersed across the production area “every couple of weeks” when the spicy chips are made.

Eleven of the 13 workers interviewed by the union reported health issues after the seasoning machine was used, UWU said, with complaints including “difficulty breathing,” “eye and skin irritation,” “chest discomfort,” coughing and sneezing.

Smiths markets “Flamin’ Hot” Doritos and Cheetos in Australia and is owned by food and drinks giant PepsiCo.

In response to the report, PepsiCo told news outlets the company follows numerous safety protocols when working with the spicy seasoning and that worker safety is its top priority, adding that the group is “committed” to working with the union to address any concerns.

PepsiCo said extra fans will be installed at the Adelaide factory and mandatory mask wearing during the production of products using spicy seasoning will enhance existing safety measures.

What To Watch For

SafeWork SA said it is assessing the union’s complaints surrounding the use of spicy seasoning at the factory and will determine whether any further steps are warranted, according to ABC and the Guardian. The watchdog’s inspectors have previously attended the site in response to an earlier complaint from the union in January. While the earlier complaint reportedly mentioned the buildup of seasoning dust in the factory, it did not mention any health effects of this on workers.

Key Background

Spicy chips like those produced in the Adelaide factory are assessed and authorized by food regulators globally but there are reports of complaints among snackers. In 2018, for example, doctors warned of people, notably teenagers, being rushed to hospital with severe stomach pain after consuming the spicy snacks and another clinician warned the spice in Flamin’ Hot Cheetos can cause gut issues and stomach discomfort. Spicy foods are associated with a range of health benefits and, some research suggests, can even add years to peoples’ lives. However, it is not without downsides. High levels of spice can cause issues including pain, irritation, stomach upset and vomiting. Individual tolerance for this varies from person to person—issues like inflammatory bowel disease can also make unpleasant symptoms more likely in some people—and in some cases spice can trigger symptoms that can be so severe as to warrant emergency treatment.

Further Reading

‘Flamin’ hot’ Doritos seasoning causing breathing difficulties in Australian factory workers, union alleges (Guardian)

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