DRC: Muyaya justifies himself for his beer on the terrace with Macron

DRC: Muyaya justifies himself for his beer on the terrace with Macron
Zaļā Josta - Reklāma

French President Emmanuel Macron poses for selfies with, among others, Patrick Muyaya …

Copyright © africanews

LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP or licensors

Last updated:
08/03 – 13:24

Democratic Republic Of Congo

A beer on the terrace with Emmanuel Macron in a festive district of Kinshasa? “I think everyone in my place would have done it …”, justified the spokesperson for the Congolese government on Tuesday, when questioned by the press on a highly commented escapade on social networks.

To end his visit to the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo on Saturday, the French president went to a bar in the town of Bandalungwa, known as “Bandal”, in the company of musician Fally Ipupa and the Minister of Communication and door -government spokesperson, Patrick Muyaya.

No journalist was present, but the scene was naturally immortalized by amateur videos.

Asked during his usual press briefing, Patrick Muyaya admitted that given “the context”, with an ongoing armed conflict in the east of the country, people felt “that it was not appropriate”. “People of good faith felt offended, I’m sorry about that,” he said.

But “as a Bandalungwa notable, I was associated” with the movement of Emmanuel Macron and Fally Ipupa, he noted, and, “I think everyone in my place would have done it”.

“Serious things had been said throughout the day,” he added. And if Emmanuel Macron wanted to go to this district, it is undoubtedly because he says to himself in Kinshasa that “Bandal is Paris”, joked the minister.

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Zaļā Josta - Reklāma