Blackrock Silver Steps Out and Hits Multiple +1 kg/t AgEq Intercepts in First Assays from Resource Expansion Program at Tonopah West

Blackrock Silver Steps Out and Hits Multiple +1 kg/t AgEq Intercepts in First Assays from Resource Expansion Program at Tonopah West

Multiple High-Grade Veins Encountered in Corridor Bridging the Southern Portion of a 1-kilometre Gap Between the DPB and the NW Step Out Area with Additional Resource Expansion Program Drilling PlannedRESOURCE EXPANSION PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS:TXC25-123 returned assays up to 23.47 g/t Au and 2,223 g/t Ag for 4,335 g/t AgEq over 0.31 metres within a 3.05 metre zone grading 225 g/t Ag and 2.41 g/t Au for 442 g/t AgEq;TXC24-113 yielded 7.14 g/t Au and 614 g/t Ag for 1,257 g/t AgEq over 0.31 metres…
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