Band of Brothers
Because we are in a deeply weird situation with the streaming market right now, we’re seeing strange things begin to happen like rival services licensing high profile content to one another. Since Netflix is still the biggest dog in town, usually that means stuff is coming to them. We saw them have a massive licensed hit in the form of USA’s Suits, but now HBO has handed a bunch of stuff to Netflix as well.
This week? Netflix has now gotten Band of Brothers. This is easily the most significant addition from this deal so far, which has included more overlooked shows like Ballers and Insecure.
Band of Brothers marks the first of what will be considered the highest caliber of shows from this deal, which will also include The Pacific, its follow-up, and Six Feet Under, one of HBO’s oldest hits.
If you’ve already seen Band of Brothers (once, or many times), you know how great of a miniseries this is, focused on the brutality of World War II. Band of Brothers is the fourth highest rated show in IMDB history, one slot above Chernobyl and two above The Wire, also on HBO. It’s arguably the greatest onscreen realization of WWII we’ve seen.
Band of Brothers
The miniseries is now 22 years old, if you can believe it, and as such, it’s kind of wild to look back and see all the actors who were much, much younger back then, many of whom were just getting started back then. That includes Damian Lewis, Ron Livingston, Scott Grimes, Michael Fassbender, Donnie Wahlberg, Michael Cudlitz. Even Tom Hardy, Dominic Cooper and Simon Pegg snuck in there. The most infamous cameo is none other than Jimmy Fallon, which takes you out of it a bit, certainly. This is also a famous Tom Hanks project, star of Saving Private Ryan back in 1998, where he helped bring this to market and directed one of the episodes.
While Band of Brothers has debuted at #4 on Netflix, behind Virgin River, Dear Child and One Piece, I absolutely believe it will hit number one as people realize it’s arrived, whether it’s people watching for the first time, or fans going back for a second or fifth rewatch. It really is an incredible series and yes, I’m going to watch it again when I can find time, as it’s probably been at least a decade since my last viewing.
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