Anna Paulina Luna Gives Unvarnished Take On Foreign Aid Bill, Mayorkas Impeachment

Anna Paulina Luna Gives Unvarnished Take On Foreign Aid Bill, Mayorkas Impeachment

Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fl.) joined “Forbes Newsroom” for a wide-ranging discussion on border security, the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and the $95.3 billion foreign aid package.

Luna tells Forbes the impeachment of Mayorkas was “long overdue,” adding that she believes the impeachable offense is that the DHS secretary has been “part of the problem in what’s happening at our southern border.”

Luna also made clear she would “absolutely not” support the $95.3 billion foreign aid package passed in the Senate on a bipartisan vote Tuesday. Luna proposed an alternative to the bill, which includes $60 billion for Ukraine and $14.1 billion for Israel called the SCHUMER Act, which Luna says would force members of Congress to be “the first ones fighting on the front lines” if they support additional funding for Ukraine.

Luna said she was inspired to draft that bill after seeing an interview in which Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said “if we don’t aid Ukraine, Putin will walk all over Ukraine, we will lose the war, and we could be fighting in Eastern Europe in a NATO ally in a few years. Americans won’t like that.”

Luna called Schumer’s remarks “a disgusting opinion to have.”

Watch the full conversation above.

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