Amazon’s First ‘Fallout’ Show Art Is AI Generated

Amazon’s First ‘Fallout’ Show Art Is AI Generated



If you were wondering when AI would start encroaching on Hollywood jobs in a big way, we may already be living in that era. While I am quite excited about the Walton Goggins-infused Amazon Fallout series, the show debuted some promo art for the project ahead of official stills or footage and… it’s AI generated.

Yes, we have Vault Boy and the normal Los Angeles “Hollywood” font, but you have to look at the image as the backdrop to see how AI was used. And the more you look, the weirder it gets, and the more it seems as if it was absolutely AI generated, at least in part. Let’s piece this together:

The most obvious thing we can see is whatever is going on with this car. You can see the cars ahead of it appear to be heading away from the camera, but this car looks backwards, like its headlights are where its taillights should be, and it’s facing the other way.



We have this building, and the buildings behind it, with no windows. The tan one looks like a PlayStation 4. There also appears to be tree growing out of its roof.



To the right of that, we have what I would call “AI nonsense text,” where AI is very bad at generating real words, so it jams together symbols that loosely resemble letters but are not actual letters or words. That’s what’s happening on this building here.



Not clear on why there appears to be a wide sidewalk in the middle of two giant lanes of traffic. On top of that, what is going on with that woman’s right arm and what she’s holding in it?



Something weird happened with these mountains. Those white columns look like either part of a dam which doesn’t exist, or it’s the AI screwing up pieces of what might have been the Hollywood sign.



This woman has three legs.



It is impossible for me to believe this is not AI, given all this, and already we’re seeing artists be pretty mad about it. One problem with AI art is that… it works? One dude throwing in prompts and doing touch-up for a few hours replaces an actual artist who would have made this otherwise, someone the $1.36 trillion dollar company, Amazon, could have paid to make this. But 99% of people seeing this can’t even tell, as you have to look pretty closely to see all the weird crap wrong with it.

This is becoming an increasingly common trend and working its way into big mainstream projects like this, and before this, Marvel’s Secret Invasion, which had an unabashedly AI generated intro sequence. We’ll see if Amazon responds to artists here, or if they just don’t care. I’ve asked them for comment and will update if I hear back.

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Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.

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