Chad’s Deby appoints opposition leader, Masra, as new PM

Chad’s Deby appoints opposition leader, Masra, as new PM

Chadian opposition leader (C) Succès Masra on a photo published on November 20, 2023, on the Facebook page of the Chadian presidency.

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Présidence Tchad – Facebook


Chadian politician Succès Masra was named the first Prime minister under the nation’s newly adopted 5th Republic Constitution.

The announcement was read on national television on January 1st by minister Mahamat Ahmad Alhabo.

“Through decree 012024 signed on January 1st, 204 by general Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno, transitional president, president of the Republic [of Chad], head of state, president of the Cabinet, Dr. Succès Masra is named Prime minister, head of the transitional government.”

The “Les Transformateurs” party leader has yet to react to his nomination.

It comes after Saleh Kebzabo’s government resigned on December 30.

One day prior, on December 29, military ruler Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno promulgated a new Constitution which was passed in a referendum on December 17.

Longtime opposition leader Succès Masra returned to Chad on November 3rd.

He had left the Sahelian nation along with other opposition leaders after demonstrations held last year to protest military rule were violently repressed.

Officially about 50 people were killed in protests last year. The opposition and independent observers said at least 300 had been killed on October 20 after Transitional president Mahamat Deby went back on his word to hold elections.

Masra returned home after reaching an agreement with the military regime. The rest of Chad’s opposition, many of whose leaders remain in exile, denounced the deal which allegedly includes an amnesty for those responsible for killing demonstrators last year. 

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