© 天壱・一迅社/ラス為製作委員会2023
“The Wicked Princess and the Sword” — pfft! This episode should’ve been called “The Shield and The Sword!” I know, I know — they have to have “Princess” somewhere in the title, but it really seems like a missed opportunity because the best part of this episode is the budding relationship between Stale and Arthur.
Stale’s nature is more dark, brooding, and calculative, while Arthur is more fiery, mouthy, and expressive (like his mother), making them a delightful duo. I initially thought there was going to be a fierce rivalry between these two, more competitive in nature, but we are talking about The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior — and it’s all about love and friendship here, baby!
Yup! They continue to pour on the cheese in this episode, and I am here basking in it, floating in this pool of cheesy goodness in an inflatable donut, sipping my tropical drink, gladly! No, they’re not competitors for Pride’s affection and attention — no, no, no! They’re going to be best friends, and they trust each other, and they’re extremely honest and vulnerable with each other because they’re both just precious BEST BOYS! How wholesome is this? Honestly!?
Arthur’s back story was definitely getting me in the feels. He was so excited that he could make things grow quickly and harvest well, but then everyone looked at his skill as a disappointment. That crushed me. Society’s perspective makes people oftentimes give up on dreams or not see their worth. I am just happy that Stale is a great friend and telling him he’s a great soldier already. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for these cuties.
Let’s really give it to Stale, though, for showing vulnerability first. He cares so deeply about Pride that he just wants her protected no matter what — and he sees Arthur’s dedication and passion for Pride. Stale asks him to train with him, and Arthur accepts, but he finds Stale suspicious and calls him out on it. Stale explains himself — protecc Pride AT ALL COSTS — and Arthur is like, “Oh yeah, dude, totally on board with that, and why don’t we teach each other everything so we both learn, so we can both be smart and strong?” It was the cutest. Also, Stale’s speech about them being her Shield and Sword really pulled at my heartstrings, and then Arthur telling him that was cheesy AF cracked me up *sigh* so cute.
So this episode is lacking the action — there’s some sparring between Arthur and Pa, but again, the animation really leaves a lot to be desired. And when Stale and Arthur start sparring, we just hear sounds, and it shows a window… RIP with the animation. Someone in the comments said that maybe the animators are just trying to stick super close to what’s reflected in the manga. Fine…if this had some solid action, though, it would be S-tier! It’s okay, though; we’ll live.
Another commenter said there’s something so great about the characters being so wholesome — you’re just cheering for all of them, right!? But will it last? TUNE IN NEXT WEEK, FOLKS!
SIDE NOTE: I love Roderick, but him not being able to talk to his wife and taking off on his horse to avoid a difficult conversation and drinking too much was a little concerning…but at least his son is a good communicator.
OTHER SIDE NOTE: Sorry, my ADHD is kicking in. It’s hilarious how Pride is stealing all of her sister’s love interests, and all the soldiers LOVE HER. She really does have it all.
The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior is currently streaming on