Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tops Biden, Trump In New Favorability Poll

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tops Biden, Trump In New Favorability Poll


2024 Democratic presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—an environmental lawyer with anti-vaccine views and a strong family dynasty at his back—has higher favorability numbers than either President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump, according to a new poll by The Economist and YouGov, even as Biden maintains a lead in the 2024 primary.

Key Facts

Kennedy Jr. was viewed favorably by 49% of respondents and unfavorably by just 30%, leaving him with a net rating of 19 points—higher than any other candidate in the poll, which surveyed 1,500 adult respondents from June 10 to 13.

Biden had a negative 9-point net favorability rating, with 52% of respondents viewing him somewhat or very unfavorably while 45% have very or somewhat favorable impressions, and Trump had a negative 10-point net rating, with 53% viewing him unfavorably and 43% favorably.

However, some 21% of respondents didn’t offer an opinion on Kennedy, far greater than the single-digit figures posted by Trump and Biden.

Some other high-profile 2024 candidates posted negative favorability ratings: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) had a favorability rating of negative 5 points, and former Vice President Mike Pence (R)’s net rating was negative 17.

Only 19% of people view Democratic candidate and self-help author Marianne Williamson favorably, compared to 24% who viewed her unfavorably, though 57% of respondents didn’t have an opinion on her.

Big Number

20%. A CNN poll last month showed that about one-fifth of Democratic voters supported Kennedy’s run for president. Some 60% planned to support Biden, and 8% favored Williamson.

Key Background

Kennedy Jr. announced he would challenge Biden for the 2024 Democratic nomination in April, joining a largely empty field. He is the son of assassinated former attorney general and 1968 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, and the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy. Previously known as an environmental lawyer, he has become known in recent years for promoting dubious claims about ties between vaccines and autism, and for touting conspiracy theories surrounding mass shootings and the Covid-19 virus.

Surprising Fact

A collection of tech moguls have gotten behind Kennedy Jr. in recent weeks, including former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Social Capital founder Chamath Palihapitiya and venture capitalist David Sacks. Billionaire Twitter owner Elon Musk hosted him for a Twitter Spaces discussion earlier this month, though he hasn’t endorsed a 2024 candidate and says he’s interested in hosting talks with all interested contenders.

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