The roofer demands 6,000 euros from the resident of Mārupe and does not perform the work

VIDEO ⟩ “Turpināja “barot” ar solījumiem.” Jumiķis Mārupes iedzīvotājai pieprasa 6000 eiro un neizpilda darbu

Lidija from Marup has agreed with a craftsman recommended by her relatives to replace the roof of a private house. After paying the master 6,000 euros for the purchase of materials, he did not deliver them within the specified period, but she did not recover the money entrusted to her, the program “Bez Tabu” reports.

Last spring, a strong storm tore off the roof of Lidija’s private house in Mārupe. Lidija decided to work with master Andrei, who was recommended by a distant relative.

Initially, the woman agreed with the master on the procurement of materials. Master Andrejs wrote and signed with his own hand that he received 6,000 euros from Lidija for building materials, promising to deliver them in writing by June 2022.

As time went by, Andrei continued to “feed” with promises, which Lydia confirmed to the program by presenting correspondence.

In order to save the damaged house, she hired other craftsmen, who quickly procured building materials for a lower amount of money than Andrej undertook to do, and smoothly completed the work by putting on a new roof.

Andrejs told the program that he could not get the materials by the promised date, because the trader could not get them so quickly. He said that shortly before Lydia announced that he would no longer work with him, he had informed Lydia that the materials had been provided, but she had refused them. He offered to sign a contract for the transfer/receipt of materials, but she refused that as well.

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