Which natural remedies can be used to reduce the effects of stress

Anxiety, economic and financial difficulties, uncertainty about tomorrow, illnesses, even everyday failures add up to a significant dose of stress that we feel during these winter months. When looking for tips to reduce the effects of stress, the pharmacist of “Mēness aptiekas” Ārika Pētersone reminds us of the possibility of using nerve toning and relaxing natural remedies found in the assortment of pharmacy products as stress relievers.
Bad effects of stress and anxiety on health
Mental symptoms occur when a person is unable to adapt to the situation in which he has to live. Stress is the result of strong irritations that affect our psyche, physiology and health in general. If it becomes chronic, somatic disorders, behavioral problems, emotional instability appear. Under the influence of stress, the body’s protective reactions are activated: adrenaline and cortisol are released, which accelerate the heart rate, increase blood pressure, change digestive processes, make breathing difficult, cause dizziness, nausea. Certain regular episodes of stress can add up and turn into chronic disorders that are manifested, for example, in burnout syndrome or depression, in somatic diseases. Prolonged stress and nervous overload are known to disrupt the balance between emotional and physical well-being. The unwanted effect of stress can be corrected by using nerve-tonic and relaxing phytopreparations, which help prevent nervousness and anxiety, physical and emotional tension, stabilize mental abilities and solve sleep problems.
What herbal drugs can be chosen
Pharmacist of “Mēnes aptiekas” Ārika Pētersone refers to the recommendations of pharmacist Dailoņas Pakalnas, doctor of biological sciences, and reminds that the means that can be used to promote the body’s resistance and reduce stress-induced disorders are from different pharmacological groups with diverse mechanisms of action, but they are united common effect – promotion of the body’s defenses.
Its Eleutherococcus root drug is more important in maintaining health than in treating disease. It has a psychostimulating effect, strengthens resistance to stress and is used as a tonic in case of fatigue, concentration and work capacity deterioration. By reducing disorders caused by stress, the drug of the root of the eleuterococcus stimulates the body’s defenses and vitality, improves well-being, increases physical and mental performance, and has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism in the brain. In moderate doses, the drug has a psychostimulating and tonic effect, but it does not deplete the body’s reserves. 3-4 weeks of use can improve mental capacity and reduce fatigue caused by overexertion. This drug can be combined with preparations of rhizomes of pink rhodiola, roots of leuzea, fruits of Chinese lemon liana.
Hops horn is used in combination preparations, including herbal teas, for stress, agitation and insomnia, climacteric disorders, along with sage, lemon balm, mint leaves, yarrow and passionflower leaves, valerian roots, chamomile and lavender flowers. Can be useful in cases of anxiety, weakening of the immune system.
Linden and lavender flowers, rowan and heather leaves have a moderate sedative effect. Calming teas reduce stress-induced fear, physical and emotional tension, have a positive effect on mental abilities and comfort, says pharmacist of “Mēnes aptiekas” Ārika Pētersone.
If there are signs of depression
Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders, and it is associated with a state of the body that causes a deterioration of emotions, feelings and mental state, characterized by a depressed mood, appetite, sleep disorders, fatigue, poor concentration, indecisiveness. If any of the symptoms of depression are observed, you should definitely contact your family doctor. Depression is a treatable disease, however, severe cases require inpatient treatment, so it is important to catch the disease in its early stages. Which of the plants used in phytotherapy would be recommended? St. John’s wort preparations may be helpful in mild depressive states (especially when associated with climacteric changes). Kalme rhizomes, oat stalks, hawthorn drugs are also recommended as part of phytopreparations. Doses must be adjusted, taking into account the sensitivity of the body and the individual tolerance of each person.

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